Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Key Family Sport's Day

The Key Family is like so many other families including mine, they do sports year round for multiple children. While some see this as a burden many people, including myself, see this as a blessing. Raising children is not an easy task, but it is a gift and one that we should accept and do our best at. This includes helping them to figure out who they are and what they want to be.

Learning multiple sports allows them to walk multiple paths and excel at discipline and coordination. They also learn how to excel socially which is not something that can be taught easily.

Sports are fun and should be. They are a learning experience and a growing experience and should be embraced.

The Key's have an opportunity to have a sports collage made for them from Athletic Arts and this is why they called me. They needed shots of them in the sports that they enjoy the most, three from each child.

This was a great experience for me and they seemed to enjoy themselves as well. I look forward to seeing the final product.

If you want to capture your child as they grow in sports and in life contact me and we will make it happen. I can attend a sporting event or we can stage it in your front yard. I work with my clients so that they can enjoy the experience as much as I do.
 or (205) 229-1865 are the best ways to contact me to get on the calendar!

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