Monday, August 1, 2011

Danny's 8

Well photographing my children is actually one of the hardest challenges, they are so used to seeing mom with the camera actually getting cooperation is a rarity. I do have a few specific times each year that I need a good smile. These are special times.

Danny turning 8 is one of those milestones that I needed to have captured. Although he wanted to wear what he picked out instead of what I wanted him to wear he did agree to a few shots. He knew that it was important to me, and it always will be. I am very thankful for his smiles, although I do prefer the candid shots of him throughout the day. These were the ones he actually let me take of him to mark the milestone.

Eight years ago I learned how it was possible to hold my heart in my hands. The day that I found out he was growing inside of me I was in love. The day that he was born, my heart grew by such amazing standards. I still have a hard time believing that he is really eight. I still see that sweet little baby curled up on my chest going to sleep. He is still a sweet boy, but he is definitely not enjoying curling up with momma and I cannot pick him up any more. I miss those days so much, but I know that it is part of growing up.

I cherish every minute with my boys, as I know that they will always love me they will not always need me, and this is a reality I see happening more and more each day. I remember when his boo-boos were healed by a magical mommy kiss. Now a band aid works better. It is the little things that let me know he is a young man now. Today and forever though he will always be my baby boy!

If you want to capture a smile on your child's special day let me know and we will get it captured forever for you. or (205) 229-1865

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